The Adventure Begins December 1st.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Surprise Lake House Visit

Charleston was flooded. They predicted a category 4 hurricane would blast us from the ocean, but luckily it diverted itself back out to the East. However, the rain could not contain itself.
Inch after inch turned into feet and soon Charleston was no longer an option for bringing Jackson out to play with out completely destroying the inside of the house with mud.
 After the worst of it had passed on Saturday, and we had been trapped inside with flickering power for 3 days, we needed a change. 
A simple suggestion of 'Why don't we go to the lake house?' Turned quickly into us gathering our things, packing up some food, grabbing the hula hoops  and securing the bikes to the roof of the Prius. Nick's sister Kate and family were staying at the lake for a few days for fall vacation, so what a perfect surprise! Within a few hours we were in the mountains. Sun shining down, fresh air, and the changing colors of the leaves. 
We rolled up blasting Taylor Swift from the car and the McGowens were so excited that the baby started crying. This was exactly what we needed; Sunset cruises on the boat, tubing, rope swings, make your own pizzas, French braids, blue hair, and lots of snuggles from some amazing kids.